Holistic Discipleship - Faith and Work
This page is to emphasize my experience with Hendricks Center for Faith and Work by highlighting certain material to help show that God cares about our whole life as followers of Him which include our workplace.
Latest Projects
DTS Garrison Fellowship Dinner
"This fellowship is designed to expose DTS students preparing for future leadership and ministry to the realities that believers in various occupations face every day. Our goal is that this experience has equipped the fellows to lead and teach more meaningfully into the issues of the workplace"
Holistic Discipleship
My drive to develop other leaders is recognizing from 1 Peter 2:9 that we are a nation of priests and that we are all leaders because we have influence on each other. If we as believers are all a royal priesthood the goal than for me is encourage us to be good at it. Attached you will find a blog written about understanding Holistic Discipleship
Lifelong Lesson
The realization of the impact of Faith and Work has a place of discipleship has become a life long foundation thinking of discipleship. That every aspect of who we are can be a place of edification and has value to God whether the janitor or the ceo or the pastor we can serve God in ministry.